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Subtotal CHF 0.00
Total CHF 0.00

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Subtotal CHF 0.00
Total CHF 0.00

Why order from us?

What our customers say:



I am a very active person, so sitting for hours is a bit difficult for me. The bar table is therefore the optimal solution for me. I also find the possibility of personalization fantastic - could thus design a high table completely to my taste!



I first ordered a bar table for myself. But then my girlfriend was totally thrilled, so we ordered a second one for you.
Shipping was also very fast!



The high table makes it much easier for me to work and makes it more varied. Was therefore a very good investment. The available colors and selection I also found very exciting!
Also a very fast shipping - am very satisfied.



At first I was a little critical of the color "walnut" because I prefer it plain and simple. But with the black table frame, the table brings a very interesting and unique design to the room! Am very satisfied. Shipping was also straightforward and very fast.